
Tokyo Aeropress Championship 2010 Final!

19th Oct, Tokyo Aeropress Championship 2010 final. 4 finalists selected from13 competitors were there and made coffee w/Aeropress.

The rule was almost same with World Aeropress Championship. Competitors have to make 200ml of coffee for 3 minutes and also they have 5 minutes preparation time before their extraction time.

All competitors used same coffee.

rigion: Maraba
variety: bourbon
aging: 7days from roasting.

Their brewing methods are here! Sweet article, thanks Yuki!

お待たせいたしました、先日行われたTokyo Aeropress Championship at Caffè FrescoのFinal roundの動画でございます。今回なんと、無駄にHD画質!フルスクリーンにも耐えうる!


当日の模様は会場を貸して下さったCaffè Frescoのブログで、動画と一緒にどうぞ!今回の決勝進出者のエアロプレスレシピをStrange Brewで公開しています、ミムラ君ありがとう。


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